WORKSHOP: For the Sake of Anyone Who We Might Not Have Seen Yet Season02
Date: 15-16 July 2017
Venue: Takaoka Gender Equality Promotion Centre (Wing Wing Takaoka, Takaoka-shi, Toyama-prefecture)

It’s the second season of the Visiting Workshop: For the Sake of Anyone Who We Might Not Have Seen Yet took place in the City of Takaoka, Toyama-prefecture which is 300 miles from Tokyo and faces the Japan (East) Sea. Since having the Cinématic Architecture Tokyo were impressed by the life of female characters featured in media such as films, books, animus and mangas in the Hokuriku Area after trying to illuminate the images of the city of Takaoka in the previous season. In consequence, the theme of the workshop was set to extract and express that. The participants from inside and outside the area came along then talked and exchanged their impressions about the media as an interface for both sides. Then they expressed by making works and sharing them in two days.

Though the project initially happened due to the local government‘s interest in our plan in the previous year, a local non-profit organisation helped advertising and management as they went along with our idea at this time. The workshop became a place for exchange in diversity as people of different generations and professions got together because we rallied anyone who was interested could casually come along regardless of whether they have certain skills and knowledge.

The participants made new visual works and came out with their interpretation and inspiration taken from the impression of the media features Toyama and Hokuriku. With the concept, the illusion of the city we had last year as the base facing the media focusing on the life and dream of the women in Hokuriku another duende which is different from general evaluations and meanings for the work itself appear to us. Furthermore, the participants were asked to express themselves to others by assembling the collected information, discovered materials, and attractive and interesting elements for them for their progression. Thoughts of architectural construction need to be used to express and this process was supported by Cinématic Architecture Tokyo staff. And it is gratifying that they eventually realised the ‘joy of expression’.
During the workshop, we looked around the area and found there are many types of civil activities on community design (town-making) going on based on the local tradition which is hardly happening in big cities.

*The title of the workshop ‘For the Sake of Anyone Who We Might Not Have Seen Yet’ was taken from the phrase in the novel, ‘The Phoenix Tree ’ by Satoko Kizaki (1985).
The drawing on top by Madoka Nemugaki and the decalcomania by Erina Mori
Other expressions by Tomoko Shoji, Kyoko Sugano, Masao Yonehara, Madoka Nemugaki, Masumi Nakashima, Namio Ohmichi, Masumi Nemugaki
Produced by Keiichi Ogata
Special thanks to
Seiko Yamashita, Kumiko Ohtsubo, Non-Profit Organisation N-Project Hito, Michi, Machi (human, roads, town), Kanoh Ryohsuke (Guest House Honmacho No Ie), Asako Saeki (Art craft *Life Creation*), Shigeru AkenoSupported by The Art and Cultural Bureau of Toyama Prefecture, The Culture and Creation Bureau of Takaoka City, The Education Committee of Takaoka City, The Japan Society of Urban and Regional Planners