
Cinematic Café in Musashino

Theme: Another Me 22 February 2025

Under the title ‘Another Me’, it introduces architecture, film, art and literature relating to multiple personalities, duality, doppelgangers, splittism and plurality, and we talk about ‘the duality of people and things’.

Workshop: For the Sake of Anyone Whom We Might Not Have Seen Yet SEASON 09 in Takaoka

8 December 2024

Viewing characteristic and fantastic films, animations, mangas and literature (aka ‘sub-cultural media’) ever made in the distinctive Hokuriku region of Japan as our essential references, the workshop’s aim is to derive the women’s images, lives, dreams and role they acted in from these characters to find visions for the future, ideas or suggestions for the urban planning and the community design. as well as seeking well-being, by discussing and depicting.

News Index

Workshop: From Cinema to Architecture, Possibilities of Cinematic Architecture

28 May and 11 June 2023

It is a unique attempt at expression as cinematic architecture that links the different media of architecture and film.


Cinématic Architecture Tokyo (aka CAT) has been active since 2009 and is a non-profit collective seeking new expressions and urban and community design by integrating architecture with film as well as urbanism, art and literature. They brought …


It covers the activities of Cinematic Architecture Tokyo to date.