WORKSHOP: For the Sake of Anyone Who We Might Not Have Seen Yet Season 05

Date: 11, 15 November 2020
Venue: Musashino Place (Musashino-shi, Tokyo)

Due to COVID-19, the session was held to be allocated to the off/online, connecting Tokyo, Hokuriku, Chube regions and California, USA.
We continuously addressed the main subject ‘learning from the implication in portrayal and mindsets from women in Hokuriku region’, referring to works by architects and art theoreticians originally came from the area as well as the materials on sociology, urbanism and art that were elaborated during the session.
We mainly studied how to express ourselves after picking things from films, novels, anime and manga. Some people improved further that to ‘artistic experiment’ and ‘challenging consideration on town and community design’ which we newly introduced.
Specifically, each one of them delivered an idea to work with such as ‘fascination on multi-colouring’, ‘dualism on reality and illusion’, ‘salience: faint emotion represents the desire to survive’, ’The healing landscapes in Hokuriku’ and ‘An access to the exit from the social stagnation ’.

The recent tendency taken from the works set in Hokuriku seems to be not only taking there just as a ‘place for sightseeing’ but as a ‘place asking to think of social issues’. Therefore, the abandoned social problems appear by juxtaposing and analysing instead of thinking by separating urban cities from rural areas.
The emphasis of the workshop this time is the empathy we had by sharing time of expression to make as well as discussion even though we all come along from far away. The intensive two-day workshop between two weeks ended hoping to work firsthand next time.
We’d like to appreciate the dedicated effort and kind suggestion by the people from the local citizen group, N-Project who is always trying hard against gender distinctions and environmental issues.
Supported by
Non-Profit Organisation N-Project Hito, Michi, Machi (human, roads, town) (Takaoka city, Toyama prefecture)
*The phrase ’ For the Sake of Anyone Who We Might not Have Seen Yet’ is taken from a dialogue of Satoko Kizaki’s Akutagawa Literature Prize-awarded novel, The Phoenix Tree (1985) which is located in the city of Takaoka.
Workshop’s webpage (Previous site)