WORKSHOP: Exploring the Architectural Cinema
Date: 16 March 2014 – 22 February 2015
Venue: JSURP PLACE and others

The program started in March 2014 and took place once a month throughout a year. It has themes like EDIT, SITESEEING, STORYTELLING, NARRATIVE, SEQUENCE, CONTINUITY, CINEGRAM and CONSTRUCTION.
The introduction program, EDIT was about general thought and design forming showing examples. In the later sessions, we had experiments, studying cities to come up with works through the view point of each theme. Also, discussing a released science fiction film through the architectural point of view trials of making architectural films, lights, and observation from an outsider’s view ( SIGHTSEEING ) were other subjects for the program. That was the turning point to start to focus on Kikusaka Street, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo as our particular site. The program had more than a hundred attendants.