Cinématic Café + Site-seeing: Do We All KNOW and SEE What Our New Olympic Stadium Should be?

Date: 29 August 2015
Venue: JSURP PLACE, New Tokyo Olympic Stadium site


The Cinématic Café took place with a theme about the new National Olympic Stadium because it is our place in common, trying to invite various kinds of people. We walked around the site for the facility first then watched documentary films of Olympic games in the past like in Tokyo 1964 and Berlin 1936 and others, discovering they were covered with a sense of exaltation, joy, dream and vision for the future.

Artists, education planners, experts in the environment, urbanism, real estate, staff of a human rights organization and housewives came along to talk and exchange ideas. Cinématic Architecture Tokyo coordinated and organised the session then set up our opinion and suggestion for the new National Olympic Stadium.
